Wednesday, October 15, 2014

First post to you little man


This blog is a place for me to write to you and remember all of our adventures together.  I haven't known you long, but I can already tell that we are going to get along great!  You're always up for adventure but already you are a big softie and already give great hugs.

Right now you are working on your second (and third?) tooth and the first one is working its way up.  You are sleeping pretty well despite the fact that it's been a little rough on you.  Also it's not slowing you down at the dinner table.  You love to eat!  You ate sliced apple, jambalaya rice, a veggie puree, and a handfull of ginger cookies.  You can really put it down, and you even nursed with Mommy after bathtime.

You are also always super mobile and super busy!  We can't keep you still but you aren't one for trouble either.  You just love to explore and to pull up on things.  You get up in the morning around 5 or 5:30 and I change you and give you to Mommy to nurse.  Then it's usually back to bed for an hour or so.  You come join Adeline and I for breakfast and run around in the walker or bounce.  Then I'm off to work but not without loving and kissing your smiling face.

Here's hoping for more great adventures soon...

Love Daddy

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